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10 Kasım 2014 Pazartesi
3 Kasım 2014 Pazartesi
27 Eylül 2014 Cumartesi
The Sword of God : Attila
Attila ruled the Hunnic Empire from 440 to 453 , firs with his brother called "Bleda" .
Than Bleda had murdered with because politics .
When the Attila ruled the dominant Huns , Attila had gathered himself around a lot
of Romans lands, in particular Roman Empire's Germanic Neighbours : Goths , Rugi
Heruli , Gepids and others.
Attila's enemys was frighting from him , because he attacked mercilessly toward Rome state.
Because of this , they called " The sword of God " to him .
A later , he passed river of Tuna and Balkan lands , but he didn't conquest to Constantinople
He was beat to Rome Empire and Byzantion Empire ..
According the historical docümants ; All of the enemy of Attila said that to God :
" My God , protect us from Attila please ! "
Attila was a Turk . This times , Turks was a power warrior , but they was'nt writing
itself history , thus history of the Attila was written by the Hun enemies ( Greek and latin
Historian ) . For example , Rome's most important historian called " Priscus " was a Gree
diplomats and historian .
He was a nightmare of the Rome Empire . River of Tuna is witness this events .
Attila was a crule but fair ruler .
He died during of 453 in the Hungarian lands. . After the death of Attila , Hun Empire
began to decay step by step ..
And The Huns was a few pages in the historical books..
This Days ; Attila's childhood are living different religions and other states ..
25 Eylül 2014 Perşembe
The Father of History : Herodotus

Herodotus was a Greek Historian who was born in the Halicarnas ( modern-day :
Bodrum Turkey ) And lived in the fifth centuries before Christ.
Also know as " The Father of History " by the modern historians .
He was toured almost all of the world who was wrote abaut Eypth pyramids ,
Arabian deserts , Palestine country , some regions of Afrika and like Italy contries ( ETC)
first historical docümants. Also he was told Persian and Greek wars in his book .
( The book of Herodotus modern print )
But he was emballised some events , because of this some modern historian is
ciritisizing abaut Herodotus . Regardless , Herodotus's historical book gives us a lot of
information abaut prehistory times. For this , called " The father of History " by the
modern historians .
For important information abaut prehistory , thanks too much Herodotus ..
24 Eylül 2014 Çarşamba
History of the Sultan Ahmet Mosque
The Sultan Ahmet Mosque is historical a mosque in the Istanbul by Europe known as
Blue Mosque. It was built from 1609 to 1616 by architect Sedefkar Aga during the rule of
Ottoman Sultan Ahmet I . Architect Sedefkar Aga is Sinan's students. Sultan Ahmet
Mosque is one of four mosque with six minares .
During of the 17 th centuries , In the Istanbul is most big place of Hagia Sophia .
The Ottoman state was very riched at that times. And according to Ottoman rumor ,
Sultan Ahmet said that : " If the Byzantion has done the Hagia Sophia church , I can
built more big a mosque . Because of this , Order the Sultan began to built by architectes
for big mosque . And It was finished in 1616 . It was named " Blue Mosque " ..
Also the tourists like to visit there
23 Eylül 2014 Salı
Mehmet The Conqueror
Mehmet the Conqueror . Also known as "Fatih Sultan Mehmet" in modern Turkish.
Also called Mahomed to him . Seventh Sultan of Ottoman state .
The Sultan Mehmet was born during 1432 in the Edirne ( Hadrianapolis) city.
( Sultan's drew pictures of the young )
When Mehmet II was eleven years old he sented as a governor to Amasya city by
goverment for state experience .
The Sultan was wants to conquest the Constantinople since childhood.
( When the Mehmet small prince a carton .. )
Sultan Mehmet spent all the ships from land to Haliç , because he wasn't wants to
understand the enemies for secret plain. Because Byzantion had closed the Halic with
big iron .
( abaut conquest of Istanbul a representative picture)
Because , Constantinople was very important for geostrategic.
Also according to İslamic religion saying to Prophet :
" Verily , One day ! The Constantinople will be conquested by the İslamic army.."
A later , Ottomans began to built Roumeli Hissar Caste against the Byzantion walls.
Mehmet the Conqueror destroyed to Byzantion Empire in the 1453.
Among other things , he enlarged to Ottoman Empire after the 1453.
( Tughra of the Sultan Mehmet II )
A later ; Ottoman Sultan Mehmet died in the 1481 since forty nine years old.
And accordin the some historian ; His death is controversial.
Praying for him ..
21 Eylül 2014 Pazar
Ottoman Establishment
When the Mongol horses began to attack towards Anatolica ,
In the Anotolica lands had emerge politic , economic and society problems.
In this period , Mongols soldiers was spoliating to Seljuk state lands in the Anatolica.
( some Mongol horses during 13 the centuries in Anatolica )
One day , When the Mongols soldiers killed to Seljuk soldiers a war , the Turk
commander Ertughrul with himself soldiers helped to Seljuk state.
Because of this , Seljuk Sultan Kaihusrev II gave to Ertughrul strip of land
in Domanic. A later , Ertughrul Ghazi's people was began to improve step by step ..
The Commandar Ertughrul's son called Osman I
( or Otman) was establised a small state during 1299 in
Bilecik city . In a little while , He made center of state to
Bursa city. A later , Sultan Osman was conquested other
cities step by step. And Ottoman state was began to large
Ottoman Sultan Osman have got called " Sheyh Edabali " a mentor , When the Osman
still prince , Sheyh Edabali teaced to prince Osman abaut life all the everythings .
A later , Osman Ghazi married Sheyh Edabali's girl called " Malhun Hatun "
as eigteen years old. Nine month later , Osman's son called " Orhan " born in Bursa city.
And the state will be most strong together Sultan Orhan I , and with him grandchildren ..
From 1299 to 1923 ..
Edit : Historical Man
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