27 Eylül 2014 Cumartesi

The Sword of God : Attila


        Attila ruled the Hunnic Empire  from  440  to 453 ,  firs with his brother  called "Bleda" .

        Than Bleda  had murdered  with  because politics .

         When the Attila  ruled the dominant Huns ,  Attila  had gathered  himself around   a lot  

     of  Romans lands,  in  particular  Roman Empire's  Germanic Neighbours  : Goths , Rugi 

    Heruli , Gepids  and others. 


 Attila's enemys  was frighting from him , because  he attacked  mercilessly  toward Rome state.

 Because of this ,  they called  " The sword of God " to him .

  A later  ,  he passed river of Tuna and Balkan lands , but he didn't conquest to Constantinople

  He was  beat to  Rome Empire and Byzantion Empire ..  

  According the historical docümants ; All of the enemy of Attila said that  to God :

       "  My God , protect us from Attila please ! " 

      Attila  was  a Turk .  This times , Turks was a power warrior , but  they  was'nt writing

itself  history  , thus  history of the Attila was written by the Hun enemies ( Greek and latin 

Historian ) . For example , Rome's most important historian called  " Priscus " was a Gree

diplomats and historian .   

      He  was a nightmare of the Rome Empire .  River of Tuna is witness this events .

      Attila  was a crule but  fair ruler .  

      He died during of 453 in the Hungarian lands. . After the death of Attila , Hun Empire 

   began to decay step by step .. 

      And The Huns was  a few pages in the historical books..

      This Days ; Attila's childhood are living different religions and other states ..





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