27 Eylül 2014 Cumartesi

The Sword of God : Attila


        Attila ruled the Hunnic Empire  from  440  to 453 ,  firs with his brother  called "Bleda" .

        Than Bleda  had murdered  with  because politics .

         When the Attila  ruled the dominant Huns ,  Attila  had gathered  himself around   a lot  

     of  Romans lands,  in  particular  Roman Empire's  Germanic Neighbours  : Goths , Rugi 

    Heruli , Gepids  and others. 


 Attila's enemys  was frighting from him , because  he attacked  mercilessly  toward Rome state.

 Because of this ,  they called  " The sword of God " to him .

  A later  ,  he passed river of Tuna and Balkan lands , but he didn't conquest to Constantinople

  He was  beat to  Rome Empire and Byzantion Empire ..  

  According the historical docümants ; All of the enemy of Attila said that  to God :

       "  My God , protect us from Attila please ! " 

      Attila  was  a Turk .  This times , Turks was a power warrior , but  they  was'nt writing

itself  history  , thus  history of the Attila was written by the Hun enemies ( Greek and latin 

Historian ) . For example , Rome's most important historian called  " Priscus " was a Gree

diplomats and historian .   

      He  was a nightmare of the Rome Empire .  River of Tuna is witness this events .

      Attila  was a crule but  fair ruler .  

      He died during of 453 in the Hungarian lands. . After the death of Attila , Hun Empire 

   began to decay step by step .. 

      And The Huns was  a few pages in the historical books..

      This Days ; Attila's childhood are living different religions and other states ..





25 Eylül 2014 Perşembe

The Father of History : Herodotus


      Herodotus  was a Greek Historian  who was  born in the Halicarnas  ( modern-day : 

Bodrum  Turkey )    And  lived in the fifth centuries before Christ.   
      Also know as   " The Father of History "  by the modern  historians .   

      He  was  toured  almost all of the world  who was   wrote  abaut Eypth pyramids  ,  

Arabian deserts , Palestine  country ,  some regions of Afrika and like  Italy contries ( ETC) 

first historical  docümants.   Also he was told  Persian and Greek wars in his book . 

                                           ( The book of Herodotus modern  print )

             But  he  was  emballised some events , because  of this  some modern historian  is

  ciritisizing  abaut Herodotus .   Regardless ,  Herodotus's  historical book gives us a lot of 

  information abaut prehistory times.  For this , called  " The father of History "  by the 

  modern historians .  

           For important information abaut prehistory ,  thanks too much Herodotus ..

24 Eylül 2014 Çarşamba

History of the Sultan Ahmet Mosque


     The Sultan Ahmet Mosque is historical a mosque in the Istanbul  by Europe  known  as 

Blue Mosque.   It  was  built  from 1609 to 1616   by  architect Sedefkar Aga during the rule of 

Ottoman  Sultan Ahmet I .   Architect Sedefkar Aga is Sinan's students.   Sultan Ahmet  

 Mosque is one of four mosque with six minares .


       During of the  17  th  centuries ,  In the Istanbul is most  big place of Hagia Sophia .

       The Ottoman state was very riched at that times. And   according to Ottoman rumor ,

       Sultan Ahmet said that  :  "  If the Byzantion has  done  the Hagia Sophia church  , I can 

built  more  big  a mosque . Because  of  this  ,    Order the Sultan  began to built   by architectes

for  big mosque . And  It was  finished in 1616 .  It was named  " Blue Mosque " ..

Also the  tourists  like  to  visit there  


23 Eylül 2014 Salı

Mehmet The Conqueror

               Mehmet  the Conqueror . Also known as "Fatih Sultan Mehmet"  in modern Turkish.

               Also  called Mahomed to him . Seventh  Sultan of Ottoman state .  

               The Sultan Mehmet  was born  during 1432 in the Edirne ( Hadrianapolis) city.


                                                 ( Sultan's  drew pictures of the young )

              When  Mehmet II was  eleven years old he sented  as a governor to Amasya city by 

       goverment  for state experience .

               The Sultan  was  wants to conquest the Constantinople since childhood.


                                      ( When the Mehmet small prince   a carton .. )

               Sultan Mehmet spent all the ships from land to Haliç , because  he wasn't wants to

       understand the  enemies  for secret plain. Because  Byzantion  had closed the Halic  with  

       big  iron . 


                                   ( abaut conquest of Istanbul  a representative picture)

               Because , Constantinople was very important for  geostrategic.

              Also  according to İslamic religion saying to Prophet :

            " Verily , One day ! The Constantinople will be conquested  by the İslamic army.."

               A later ,  Ottomans began to built  Roumeli  Hissar Caste  against the Byzantion walls.

                                                       (  Roumeli  Hissar  Caste   )

              Mehmet the Conqueror  destroyed to Byzantion Empire  in the 1453.

              Among other  things ,  he  enlarged  to Ottoman Empire after the 1453.


                                                 ( Tughra of the Sultan Mehmet II )

                 A  later  ;  Ottoman Sultan Mehmet died  in the 1481 since  forty nine years old.

                 And  accordin the some historian ; His death is controversial. 

                 Praying  for him ..  




21 Eylül 2014 Pazar

Ottoman Establishment


             When the  Mongol  horses  began to attack  towards  Anatolica  ,  

             In the  Anotolica  lands  had emerge  politic , economic  and society problems.

             In this period ,  Mongols soldiers  was  spoliating to Seljuk state lands in the Anatolica.


                             ( some Mongol horses  during  13 the centuries in Anatolica )

             One  day , When  the Mongols soldiers  killed to Seljuk soldiers  a war ,  the Turk  

   commander  Ertughrul with himself soldiers helped to Seljuk state. 

             Because  of  this  ,  Seljuk  Sultan  Kaihusrev  II  gave to Ertughrul   strip of land 

     in  Domanic.  A  later , Ertughrul  Ghazi's  people was  began to improve step by step ..  

Acording  to Ottoman first documants  ;  

The Commandar Ertughrul's son  called Osman  I    

( or Otman)  was  establised a small state during 1299 in 

Bilecik city .  In  a little  while , He made  center of state  to 

Bursa  city.   A later , Sultan Osman was conquested  other 

cities  step  by  step.  And Ottoman state was began to large 


        Ottoman Sultan Osman have got called " Sheyh Edabali " a mentor , When the Osman 

still prince , Sheyh Edabali teaced to  prince Osman abaut life  all the everythings .

        A  later  ,  Osman Ghazi  married Sheyh Edabali's  girl  called  " Malhun Hatun "   

as  eigteen years old.   Nine month later ,  Osman's son  called  " Orhan "  born in Bursa city.

And the state will be most strong together Sultan Orhan I  , and with him grandchildren ..

From 1299  to 1923 .. 

   Edit   :  Historical Man 



20 Eylül 2014 Cumartesi

History of the Ottoman Military Janissary

                                                                                                                                                                                Janissary ..  In the history of military troops one of the most interesting..

            When the any state defeated in the war  , Winning state   were  enslaving   to same people.

            Ottoman  scholars began to resarch slaves of young Christianity for need to soldier.

           And  a  later , this slaves  began to education in the Ottoman state lands.

            By and by , this slaves  was brainwash  with  the other idea , different cultures , civizilations .

        .   If we look at the Ottoman soldier history ..   For  example :  Janissary ..


      Ottoman Sultan  I. Murat ( during of 1326 and 1389 ) timely ,  Janissary units were  established.

      And the Janissary system were introduced to all the world  in the 14 the centuries.

      They was neither free man  nor  ordinary slaves ..

      The Janissaary units began to work by strict discipline and they was take charging in the state.

                                                     ( Abaut  Janissaries some books )

      Ottoman  Empire used  Janissaries  all of the major war . ( during of conquest Constantinople in 

the 1453) , ( Ottoman and Egyption Mamluks wars ) , ( Ottoman and Austria Hungary wars )

       Because  of  this ; this war machines recognizes in  all the world  ..

           Famous musician  Mozart melodized  called  " Turk March "   for Ottoman soldier   in the 19 

the centuries .  

19 Eylül 2014 Cuma

History of the Hagia Sophia


                 In this days  ,  Hagia Sophia  is a museum in the Istanbul ( Constantinopolis).

                 Come on !  let's look at history of the Hagia Sophia ..

                Hagia  Sophia is God's wisdom in the Greece Language.

                Hagia Sophia  church  was  built  by   the architect called Isidoros   order of the 

               Byzantion  Emperor  I. Justinian  between 532 and  537 .


      This  built   was  served   as a  church  for  900  years. 

      And Hagia Sophia  was the  largest church in the   world until   1453.

      So  What's  happened  in the 1453  ?

      During of  15  th centuries  ;  the war  begins  one of world big event ..

      The guns  booms , the civil people  fleeing church or mosque ..

      The soldiers  were  dying   for victory of  Konstantinopolis  ..

       The  Turks  wanted to conquest  of Constantinopolis.  Because this  city was very 

 important as geostrategic. Then again  according  to İslamic religion the Prophet   


 said  that   :  "  One day  !  The Konstantinopolis  will  be conquested by the İslamic soldier."

      Ottoman  Emperor  Sultan II. Mehmet   started to attact   to  Byzantion state walls.
     At  the  end of the war ; the historical  empire destroyed  by the Turks in the  29 May 1453.

     Oddly enough , Ottoman Sultan II. Mehmet was  just twenty one years old.

    When the Ottoman state defeated  to Byzantion state  in the 29 May  1453 , Hagia Sofia 

church  converted  by the Turk Sultan II. Mehmet  for  the symbol of the  victory.


                                                 (   a view Hagia  Sophia in the 1910 )

      Hagia Sophia's historical evolution  had not complete ..

      In the 1932 , Hagia  Sophia mosque was converted to museum  by the President of the 

      Rebuclic of Turkey Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.  


    The  today ; Hagia  Sophia  has diffirent cultures ,  because  there  are  Christianity 

 culture      (  Jesus Christ  , Mather Maria  and Angels mozaiks   )    with   İslamic culture

(  Allah * The God*  and  Muhammed * The Prophet* Arabic  name figures )  in Hagia Sophia.


          Hagia  Sophia  is  one of  Istanbul's  most  important  historical building .

          I love you Istanbul ..

          Edit   :  Historical  Man