In this days , Hagia Sophia is a museum in the Istanbul ( Constantinopolis).
Come on ! let's look at history of the Hagia Sophia ..
Hagia Sophia is God's wisdom in the Greece Language.
Hagia Sophia church was built by the architect called Isidoros order of the
Byzantion Emperor I. Justinian between 532 and 537 .
This built was served as a church for 900 years.
And Hagia Sophia was the largest church in the world until 1453.
So What's happened in the 1453 ?
During of 15 th centuries ; the war begins one of world big event ..
The guns booms , the civil people fleeing church or mosque ..
The soldiers were dying for victory of Konstantinopolis ..
The Turks wanted to conquest of Constantinopolis. Because this city was very
important as geostrategic. Then again according to İslamic religion the Prophet
said that : " One day ! The Konstantinopolis will be conquested by the İslamic soldier."
Ottoman Emperor Sultan II. Mehmet started to attact to Byzantion state walls.
At the end of the war ; the historical empire destroyed by the Turks in the 29 May 1453.
Oddly enough , Ottoman Sultan II. Mehmet was just twenty one years old.
When the Ottoman state defeated to Byzantion state in the 29 May 1453 , Hagia Sofia
church converted by the Turk Sultan II. Mehmet for the symbol of the victory.
( a view Hagia Sophia in the 1910 )
Hagia Sophia's historical evolution had not complete ..
In the 1932 , Hagia Sophia mosque was converted to museum by the President of the
Rebuclic of Turkey Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.

The today ; Hagia Sophia has diffirent cultures , because there are Christianity
culture ( Jesus Christ , Mather Maria and Angels mozaiks ) with İslamic culture
( Allah * The God* and Muhammed * The Prophet* Arabic name figures ) in Hagia Sophia.
Hagia Sophia is one of Istanbul's most important historical building .
I love you Istanbul ..
Edit : Historical Man
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